Common Ground: Disarming Division with Kindness

Common Ground: Disarming Division with Kindness episode features an interview with Christina Lusk, who shares her personal journey of coming out as transgender, facing discrimination and hate, contemplating suicide, and...
Chapter 16: TASTE AND SEE

Chapter 16: TASTE AND SEE

A battle was on the horizon, one I hoped to avoid. In January 2016 I’d received news about my youngest son, Tim, who had been in foster care for 3 years. Social Services was seeking to terminate our parental rights to make Tim more desirable as a potential...


February 2016 and another birthday in prison. When I first arrived to prison it had been March. I’d had an entire year before my first birthday there and I had watched all year, interested as other women celebrated birthdays and tried to make them special....
Chapter 7: General Assembly (Burning Rubber)

Chapter 7: General Assembly (Burning Rubber)

It is November 2011. I finished the WoW program and became eligible for the workforce. Nervously I checked my mail daily, waiting for a job assignment. I’d been fired from my last job so I could not choose the next one. It would be assigned to me based on the...