Chapter 25: The Impossible: God can do anything!

Chapter 25: The Impossible: God can do anything!

In January 2017, I was still mourning the absence of Tim in my life. Graciously, God had moved my son Tom to begin speaking to me again. God always moved in the hearts of my children to keep at least one of them in my life. When one disappeared, another arrived again....
Chapter 23: The Trial: Learning to Trust God

Chapter 23: The Trial: Learning to Trust God

A Shocking Announcement Standing in the dayroom I stared at the Memo of the Day. I’d read it three times and my heart sank. A prison-wide lockdown was scheduled for next week, the very day of the trial for my parental rights! Lockdowns during past court hearings had...


From Surviving to Living (11) UNINTENDED IDLE - AGENCY & DEHUMANIZATION Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 20:40 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window |...