From Surviving to Living Podcasts
Discover Inspiring Stories of Resilience and Transformation
The From Surviving to Living serialized audiobook podcast chronicles Holly’s remarkable journey through prison and her powerful testimony.
Our ‘From Surviving to Living Spotlight’ series brings you heartfelt conversations with guests who have triumphed over adversity. Each episode, recorded in a dynamic studio setting, delves into stories of resilience, faith, and personal transformation, offering practical tools and resources for viewers on their own journeys.

Guest Stars
Our Story
During my incarceration Jesus used that time to make me aware of my need for Him as my Lord. He transformed me in ways I didn’t know possible through my relationship with Him. I began to share my testimony with fellow inmates.
Released from prison in 2018, I felt a desire to encourage others using what God was doing for me as a tool. I began to write again, this time about my journey through prison and reentry. In June 2023 I once again took this work to a blog format. God directed me to this work full-time five months later.
Repeated requests for an audio version of my emerging book and blog let me to develop the From Surviving to Living serial audiobook podcast in early 2024. God continued to lead me on this journey and a short while later I found Speak MPLS, a public access television organization that provides a professional podcast and television studio to its members.
With these new avenues available the Spotlight Series was born and God provided guests to interview, further highlighting His great work in people’s lives. Join me on this journey! I can’t wait to see what God has for us next!
Your Host
Meet Holly Bot
In 2005 I lived in a small town. A talk radio station mentioned a young local soldier had been injured in Iraq and was recovering at the VA hospital. His family was encouraging everyone to come and visit. All were welcome.
I am an introvert. I am a patriot. I absolutely wanted to go. I took it on faith that this was a true invitation. The next day, out of the blue, my husband came home from work early. I relayed the news from the radio and asked his thoughts. He said he’d watch the kids and encouraged me to go. I drove an hour into the city and visited.
The soldiers in the neighboring rooms were from other states altogether. Many families could not afford to visit at all.
More of that story can be read in my book, From Here to There. The immediate result is that while visiting I learned this soldier was receiving many visitors. The soldiers in the neighboring rooms were from other states altogether. Many families could not afford to visit at all. I decided to return as often as I could.
I was surprised how easy it was to help. I thought if people knew how easy it was, they would do it too. So I bought a website, installed a blog and started writing. My book From Here to There is actually a compilation of popular posts from that blog. The blog became nominated for awards like the Bloggies, and won an award for the best U.S. Civilian MILblog (Military Blog).
This is the exciting and fun part in my story. I was invited to travel to Washington D.C. to visit soldiers at Walter Reed hospital. I was a citizen journalist as a blogger and reported on military blog panels. I traveled other places as well for the non-profit Soldiers’ Angels and met many fine volunteers, military families and soldiers.
In 2010 I destroyed my life. I destroyed my family. I committed a felony. I was arrested and sent to prison with a 12-year sentence.
God used this time in my life to transform me. Today I’m using my skills as blogger and podcaster to share the Gospel!

Author & Host
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