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Hi, I’m Holly

Looking for good book? Enjoy my last book, “From Here to There.” A compilation of blog posts from my previous award winning blog, you can find the book on, Barnes & Noble, Half Price Books, or your favorite book seller.

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Holly Aho, now remarried as Holly Bot, began her blogging career earning the “Best MILBlog of the Year – US Civilian” award in 2005, as well as being a finalist for “World’s Best New Blog 2005” in the Bloggies.

Initially inspired by a passion to help wounded US military soldiers and support their families, her writing career was interrupted in 2010 with an 8 year prison sentence. Released in 2018 she is motivated today by a desire to instill hope and provide help for those affected by incarceration.

Holly writes like a columnist/diarist, and her writing can range from transparent and wrenching (suicide watch in prison) to laugh out loud funny. Seeking to develop meaningful time spent with readers, her work does more than tell, it asks, it provokes, it engages.


Author Supports Our Military Troops in “From Here to There”

Sister Minnesotan Holly Aho (now Bot), a resident of Glencoe, MN along with her husband and four sons, is among other things a military blogger, an artist, and a member of Soldiers Angels, whose website is In “From Here to There,” she tells the reader how she happened to join the Soldiers Angels, a volunteer support group for our military veterans and those wounded in action. She explains the dedication of this organization in the following verse:
“May no soldier go unloved.

May no soldier walk alone.

May no soldier be forgotten.

Until they all come home.”

Holly Aho has written an inspiring story, filled with her personal observations and experiences. She intersperses it with letters and comments from soldiers and from other military personnel whom have been befriended and touched by the Soldiers Angels. It also documents the kindness and generosity of the folks back home, who willingly donate gifts to this fine mission. Her book, written in the first person, is a labor of love for her chosen volunteer work, and her dedication to the organization and its goals is reflected in every page.

“From Here to There” is not fiction, and it is not a novel. It is nonfiction, written about real events and real military heroes of today. It is written as a journal or a diary with several vignettes, and like The Diary of Anne Frank from World War II, it could be the inspiration for a play or a movie. It could also be serialized and appear in military magazines or other magazines dealing with the efforts that our unsung military personnel heroes are involved in on a daily basis. It would make an inspiring recruitment story for the Soldiers Angels and other support groups for our military personnel.

“From Here to There” is a very specialized piece of writing and is not written for the entertainment of a general audience. At slightly over 100 pages, it is a quick read that leaves the reader impressed with the realities of the war in Iraq and those who struggle, suffer, and die for the ideals that brought us into that war in the first place. It is rated a four in all categories. Congratulations, Holly Aho, and keep up the good work! POD Book Review by Steven M. Ulmen

Wonderful stories!

The author has given us a great slice of her life, discovering a desire to support our soldiers, especially those wounded in our service. She found her way to the Soldier’s Angels organization, and then things got interesting! By turns hilarious, heartwarming, and serious, this is a well written, really entertaining book. It left me hoping to see more!

There are several real-world stories from the perspective of Soldier’s Angels, family members, and service people, and they really hit home. For others who might be intrigued and want to do the same thing, she gives some very helpful advice and encouragement, too.


/ (blʊk) /


1 a book published on a weblog in a series of instalments

2 a printed book derived from a weblog

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